Bike Week in Cardiff and beyond

Up-Cycle Ynysybwl
Up-Cycle will be offering Dr Bike checkups at Daerwynno, near Ynysybwl, on 2 June
This Bike Week, our Bike Hub in Cardiff is going to be the place to be when you're not riding your bike – come and say hello, get your bike checked over and lots more. If you're further afield, check out our Tales of the Trails events

As part of the annual Bike Week celebrations, Cycling UK is opening a pop-up shop in Cardiff city centre for Bike Week 2021, so if you are in the area please come along and say hello;  everyone is welcome.

Thanks to Morgan Arcade for their generous offer of the empty shop, we will be creating a cycling hub full of information about what we and others are doing to get people on their bikes.  We will be open from Tuesday 1 June to Friday 4 June and you will be able to find out more about Cycling UK's activities in Wales, collect children's Bike Week activity packs, pick up the odd freebie as well as getting your bike checked for free. 

There will be lots of information in the window for the times we aren't open, so if you're passing by make sure you check it out.

Gwenda Owen, Cycling UK engagement officer for Wales, said: "Bike Week is always great but this year in Wales it's going to be even better!  Creating a cycling hub in the centre of Cardiff is a fantastic opportunity to let many more people know about the great things that are happening for cycling and how they can get involved.  Big thanks to Morgan Arcade and For Cardiff for helping make this happen."

Bike Week is always great but this year in Wales it's going to be even better!  Creating a cycling hub in the centre of Cardiff is a fantastic opportunity to let many more people know about some of the great things that are happening for cycling

Gwenda Owen, Cycling UK engagement officer for Wales

One highlight of the week is on Thursday when Cycling UK's project manager for the Cycle Friendly Employer scheme will be running a LinkedIn live session about the scheme with some inspiring guests, including Natalie Rees, Transport for Wales' Sustainable Development Manager, 

We'll also have Cardiff Cycle City joining us so why not come and talk to them about how active travel plans could make Cardiff a great city for cycling and how you can help

Free Dr Bike workshops are available:

  • On Tuesday 1 June and Wednesday 2 June, 10am-4.30pm, provided by For Cardiff 
  • On Thursday 3 June, 11am-2pm, by Cardiff Cycle Workshop, part of Cycle Training Wales.
  • On Friday 4 June, 1pm-5pm, by Pedal Power, the accessible cycling charity, as well as offering free bike checks, they'll be talking about how they ensure that everybody can cycle.

The shop will be located at 2/4 Morgan Arcade, CF10 1AF, facing St Mary Street, one of the main pedestrianised streets in Cardiff City Centre. The above timings are subject to change: latest opening times and other Bike Week information will be posted in the shop window.

Want to get involved?

If you are able to spare some time during the week to help at our pop-up, please get in touch with Gwenda Owen, at [email protected].

Tales of the Trails Bike Week events

Tales of the Trails is a National Lottery-funded heritage project celebrating the heritage of mining communities in South Wales and bringing their stories to life with new cycle trails, films and interactive content. We've two great events during Bike Week taking place in these communities. Come along and share your tales and heritage stories, let us know where you like to ride, and bring your bike for a free Dr Bike health check.