Cycle safety advice
Five top tips to stay safe while cycling
Cycling UK has produced a series of easily accessible video guides on maintenance and road safety. In this guide, we've come up with five top tips for staying safe while out on your bike.
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Safety campaigns
Cycling is essentially a safe activity, causing little risk either to cyclists themselves or to other road users. Moreover, there is good evidence that cyclists gain from ‘safety in numbers’, with cycling becoming safer as cycle use increases.
However, fear of road traffic is a major deterrent, despite the health, environmental and other benefits of cycling.
Actual cycle safety in the UK lags behind many of our continental neighbours, because of poorly designed roads and junctions, traffic volumes and speeds, irresponsible driving, and a legal system that fails to respond adequately to road danger.
National and local government should therefore aim for more as well as safer cycling. Cycling UK has campaigned for decades that these two aims can and should go hand-in-hand.
Help make Cycling safer in your area
If you want to help make cycling safer where you live and ride, join the Cycle Advocacy Network.
The Cycle Advocacy Network (CAN) brings together people with a shared interest in creating the conditions that enable more people to cycle, including better infrastructure for cycling and safer roads.