Cycling UK welcomes launch of friendlier Countryside Code

The "Be Nice, Say Hi" message has been incorporated into the revised code
A revised version of the Countryside Code includes advice on sharing space with other people, whether on foot, bike or horseback
  • Changes include advice on creating a welcoming environment for all countryside users, incorporating Cycling UK and British Horse Society “Be Nice, Say Hi” initiative
  • National cycling charity offers regularly updated advice on safe exercise to comply with coronavirus restrictions across all four nations of the UK

Cycling UK, the national cycling charity, has welcomed today’s launch of an updated version of the Countryside Code. 

The charity is especially pleased to see the updated code incorporates advice to be friendly and courteous to other people in the countryside, following the successful Be Nice, Say Hi campaign begun by Ride Sheffield, and adopted nationally by Cycling UK and the British Horse Society. This campaign, which is designed to reduce conflict and improve understanding between cyclists, horse riders and walkers, is reflected in the new code’s advice to “be nice, say hello, share the space”.

The update to the Countryside Code is especially timely, with lockdown restrictions easing and more people heading outdoors. Cycling UK has recently updated its coronavirus guidance, which sets out the rules for outdoor exercise in groups, both informal and organised, across the four nations of the UK, which can be found at

Sarah Mitchell, chief executive of Cycling UK, commented: “Cycling UK and partners have worked closely with Natural England on the new Countryside Code, and we’re pleased to see the focus of the revision looking at encouraging people to share and enjoy the countryside responsibly.”

Cycling UK has also issued a joint statement with British Cycling: “With more people heading out and enjoying the countryside, especially by bike, British Cycling and Cycling UK welcome this latest update to the Countryside Code. The outdoors is for everyone, and we would urge everyone to follow the newly revised code.”

Cycling UK has posted advice based on the latest Countryside Code, specifically aimed at cyclists, at

The revised Countryside Code was launched by Natural England and Natural Resources Wales. It is available at, and

Notes to editors

  1. Cycling UK, the UK’s cycling charity, imagines a world where the streets are free of congestion and the air is clean to breathe, where parents encourage their children to cycle to school and everyone shares the exhilaration of being in the saddle. For more than 140 years, we’ve been making our streets safer, opening up new traffic free routes and inspiring more people to cycle more often.
  2. The “Be Nice, Say Hi” campaign was developed by Cycling UK and the British Horse Society in 2018, building on work from groups including OpenMTB, Ride Sheffield and Peak District MTB. It aims to improve understanding and reduce conflict between trail users. See

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