£10m third-party insurance cover

Why do I need third-party insurance?
We all ride with the intention of keeping safe and avoiding incident, but occasionally the unfortunate can occur. Although you may not be at fault – you could, for example, have unintentionally damaged a car or fence, or caused injury to a fellow cyclist.
With third-party liability insurance, you are covered for any claims made against you for damage or injury. Cycling UK members are automatically covered up to £10m by this policy and there is no excess to pay.
It includes using cycles for business use but does not cover those specifically employed as a cyclist, for example as a courier.
It covers sportives, charity rides, audax, time trials and other rides as long as they are not competitive in nature. Electric pedal bikes are also included.
Reporting an incident
If you think you may have been involved in an incident that may lead to a claim being made against you please contact Bikmo as soon as possible on 01244 727 100 (lines open 9am-5pm Mon-Fri) or at [email protected]. You can also submit a claim 24/7 at bikmo.com/cyclinguk.
Cycling UK is not authorised to give advice on the suitability of insurance cover or sell insurance policies.
We work closely with Bikmo who are authorised and regulated by the FCA. Advice given on our site in relation to insurance cover and products is provided by Bikmo.
Insurance information documents
Visit our insurance documents hub for further information on the third-party liability insurance policy included with Cycling UK membership.
More about the £10m public-liability insurance benefit
- Exclusive
Complete list of Cycling UK member benefits > £10m third-party insurance cover