First Aid and Defibrillator Locations

How could you help yourself and your fellow riders when out on a group cycle ride ?

It goes without saying, but we will say it- the most important thing is prevention!

So, the most effective way of preventing accidents is to follow our guidelines for safe riding on this link.

CTC Edinburgh and Lothian organise 2 daytime rides per week all the year round and 1 evening ride per week during the summer and whilst we rarely experience incidents, the occasional  accident may happen. On some occasions, riders may be unwell for reasons unrelated to cycling. Hence having some first aid knowledge is valuable to us all.

How could you help?

1. You could consider taking a FIRST AID COURSE. CTC Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders are willing to offer a first aid course annually if there is sufficient interest from the members. Please keep a look out for notifications on the email.  Alternatively riders may wish to do their own thing and maximise the many first aid training options which are available online.  Please see the online resource links in the document attached at the foot of this page.    

2. Please consider carrying a SMALL FIRST AID KIT.

Here are some suggestions from which you can pick and choose.

Face mask

Non latex gloves

Antiseptic wipes

Plasters and micropore

Cling film (to cover gravel rash)

Space/foil blanket

Antihistamines (Bite and sting cream)

Asprin (for cardiac issues)

Sugar sachet

Wound dressing

A triangular bandage (sling)

This is Cycling UK's take on first aid kits "A basic first aid kit comprising bandages, plasters, antiseptic wipes, sunscreen and some aspirin should cover most eventualities. Read our comprehensive guide to first aid kits for cyclists for more information."

It's also important for you to carry the medicines that you may need to take yourself– eg for asthma, diabetes, allergies, arthritis.

3.  An important part of first aid is reassurance for the patient.  Would you know how to deal with the process in accident situations? Cycling UK offers important advice here

Should a significant incident occur on a ride, the leader completes an incident report for cycling uk. This is also attached below.

4. Please remember we are all accountable to have our In Case of Emergency (ICE) contact information on our phones or as hard copies in our saddlebag.  To help the leaders keep the ICE list up to date please email

5. Note that the position of  some of the available Defibrillator in the UK is available here





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