Calling disabled cyclists: Make your voices heard

Disabled cyclists have a chance to inform Wheels for Wellbeing's campaign actions
Disabled cyclists have a chance to inform Wheels for Wellbeing's campaign actions. Photo: Transport for London
The campaign group Wheels for Wellbeing is asking disabled cyclists and carers to share their opinions, needs and experiences in its annual survey

Wheels for Wellbeing is a Cycling UK-affiliated group that advocates for disabled cyclists and would-be cyclists, and campaigns for equal access to cycling. Each year it runs a survey on the needs and experiences of disabled cyclists collecting vital information on the state of disabled cycling across the UK. It looks at why, where, and how disabled people wheel and cycle, and the challenges and barriers they face. This year, it contains additional questions on the impact of Covid-19 and changes in streetscapes and traffic levels on disabled cyclists.

Despite the potential benefits of cycling for many disabled people, there is very little research and information available for disability cycling or active-travel advocates. Wheels for Wellbeing’s survey is still the only national survey that focuses specifically on the needs and experiences of disabled cyclists, and on the barriers that need to be addressed to enable more disabled people to wheel and cycle. The 2019 survey collected the responses of 213 disabled cyclists from across the UK.

We want to make cycling more accessible for disabled people, so having information on the current needs and experiences of disabled cyclists is crucial.

Isabelle Clement MBE, director, Wheels for Wellbeing

Wheels for Wellbeing director Isabelle Clement MBE explained: “Our annual survey is a really important. We want to make cycling more accessible for disabled people, so having information on the current needs and experiences of disabled cyclists is crucial. We really encourage disabled cyclists to respond to and share our survey – the more responses we get, the louder we can shout about the results!”

Wheels for Wellbeing’s campaign work is informed by its research, including this annual survey. The group is currently campaigning for greater accessible infrastructure (Infrastructure for All), the recognition of cycles as mobility aids (My Cycle, My Mobility Aid), and greater representation of disabled cyclists in cycling policy, images, and language (Invisible Cyclists).

The survey is available via the Wheels for Wellbeing website, including Easy Read versions, and will be open until the end of August. Wheels for Wellbeing is calling for all disabled cyclists or their carers to respond, and for everyone – disabled or not – to share the survey and encourage other disabled cyclists to complete it: the more data they have, the more effective their campaigning can be.

For more information about the survey or to talk to someone about it, please email [email protected] or call 020 7346 8482.