Access Bikes – Non-standard cycles FAQs

Access Bikes is funded by Transport Scotland to increase access to cycling. Find out all you need to know about the non-standard cycles strand of the programme and how to get involved

Access Bikes is an innovative programme that increases access to bikes and cycling for adults that are financially struggling in Scotland. Access Bikes non-standard is a strand of the programme that gives access to specialist cycles for people with health conditions and mobility needs.


  1. What is Access Bikes for non-standard cycles?
  2. Who can benefit from Access Bikes for non-standard cycles?
  3. What can an Access Bikes non-standard cycles grant be used for?
  4. What kind of bikes can the non-standard cycles grants be used to buy?
  5. Can the grant be used to buy secondhand bikes?
  6. What is the maximum amount that I can apply for?
  7. How much can we spend on each cycle?
  8. What do you need from us?
  9. Can the grants be used to buy cycles for children?
  10. Can you offer support to help us buy the right cycles for our people?
  11. What happens if a cycle gets stolen?
  12. How do I apply for Access Bikes for non-standard cycles funding?
  13. Am I guaranteed funding if I make an application?
  14. Can I apply to more than one Access Bikes fund or make multiple applications to the same fund?
  15. What is the closing date for applications?


1. What is Access Bikes for non-standard cycles?

Access Bikes is an innovative programme funded by Transport Scotland. It aims to increase access to bikes and cycling for people that are financially struggling and those with health conditions and mobility needs.

Community organisations throughout Scotland can now apply for funding to buy bikes and accessories for adults with whom they are working and who would like to start cycling. The non-standard cycles strand will specifically work with community organisations who support disabled people and will provide funding to buy non-standard cycles for use within a shared fleet of cycles.

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2. Who can benefit from Access Bikes for non-standard cycles?

Access Bikes non-standard cycles grants are available to organisations working with disabled adults (18+). We expect grant recipient organisations to be providing ongoing support to disabled individuals to ensure that this funding reaches those who really need it.

To demonstrate that your organisation is an appropriate partner, we would like you to describe the profile of the individuals or communities you already work with. Data or statistics are helpful to confirm and justify our selection of grant recipients.

Non-standard cycles may be purchased for use as part of a fleet to enable everyday journeys, and for leisure and health.

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3. What can Access Bikes non-standard cycles grant be used for?

The funding can be used to buy non-standard, or adult adaptive cycles (for example, a tricycle, handcycle, wheelchair attachment or tandem) and necessary accessories such as helmets, locks, lights, and bike maintenance tools – everything that people will need to start cycling.

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4. What kind of bikes can the non-standard cycles grants be used to buy?

This strand of Access Bikes funding can be used to purchase non-standard cycles that will be used to enable disabled adults to cycle. There is a huge range of non-standard or adapted cycles available, which will allow people with a variety of needs to ride them. Funding will be available for a very limited number of e-cycles.

The funding can be used to purchase a cycle, or cycles, for use within a fleet. When considering the kind of cycles which may benefit your community, please bear in mind that these cycles are often much larger than a standard cycle, so storage must be taken into account. The riders may require a level of support to use the cycles, so your staff’s availability and training should also be factored in.

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5. Can the grant be used to buy secondhand bikes?

The grant can be used to buy either new or refurbished secondhand bikes from a bike shop or bike recycler. Bikes must be purchased from a reputable supplier so cannot be purchased from Gumtree, Facebook or eBay.

When you make your grant application, we will provide you with a list of cycle suppliers who will be happy to help you through the selection and purchase process if you do not have a particular supplier in mind. Bear in mind that there is not much of a market for secondhand non-standard cycles.

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6. What is the maximum amount that I can apply for?

You may apply for a maximum of £20,000. Each application will be different depending on the people you are working with. The maximum amount that you can apply for will depend on the specific requirements of the bike recipients.

We would expect you to provide detailed costings for the specific bikes and accessories required at the time of application. We would expect you to consider the needs of individuals, bike suppliers and best value for money.

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7. How much can we spend on each cycle?

We will provide funding up to £5,000 per cycle for non-standard cycles. We want to make sure that all cycles provided through Access Bikes are good quality and from reputable brands that will last and be suitable for everyday use. We would recommend that you research the market and avoid purchases based purely on low costs. The cheapest cycles rarely provide value for money and will likely not stand up to regular use.

Should you wish to spend more, please contact the Access Bikes Team to discuss your application.

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8. What do you need from us?

We need a description of any cycle or cycles which you would like to add to your fleet, for example to fill a specific gap that you have identified. You will be required to co-ordinate cycle orders and deliveries. Where cycles are being purchased to add to an existing fleet, you will need to provide data about the shared use of those cycles. We would also like you to monitor the use of the cycles using an online data monitoring form which will record the name and email address of people using the cycles as we will send them a follow up survey by email.

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9. Can the grants be used to buy cycles for children?

No. Access Bikes grants can only be used to buy adult cycles and participants must be over 18.

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10. Can you offer support to help us buy the right cycles for our people?

Yes. Every grant applicant will be offered support to help identify and choose a cycle supplier. This will potentially be even more important for these non-standard cycles, as they are such specialised pieces of kit.

If required, we can provide introductions to non-standard cycle retailers and manufacturers who will be happy to guide you through the purchasing options and help you to get the best cycles for your organisation. If you think you will need support with this aspect of the programme, please let us know and we can pair you up with a supplier.

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11. What happens if a cycle gets stolen?

Once a cycle has been transferred to a new owner it will be their responsibility to look after it. Please be assured that we would never expect a cycle recipient to replace a stolen cycle and firmly believe that prevention is the key factor. We can provide information on storing and securing a cycle.

We will supply you with Bike Register registration kits as a theft deterrent and to register the new owner on their database. That way should the worst happen and the cycle is stolen there is an increased chance that it could be recovered and returned.

The funding can be used to buy cycle accessories if required. Please give careful thought to the type of lock purchased for non-standard cycles. For hints and tips on safe cycle parking please see the Cycling UK website where you can access information on cycle security.

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12. How do I apply for Access Bikes for non-standard cycles funding?

There is a two-stage application process involving an initial Expression of Interest form. This form gives you the opportunity to tell us about your community, your project and the support that you offer to disabled people.

This information will be submitted to a grant panel and if they think that your organisation can help us get cycles out to people in need, we will invite you to make a more detailed grant application including a detailed project budget form for the cycles and accessories. This application is also taken to a grant panel for a final decision.

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13. Am I guaranteed funding if I make an application?

We expect that this will be a very popular fund and applications will be assessed on a number of criteria including impact, location and demographics.

If you would like more information of Access Bikes or would like to discuss making an application, please email [email protected] or contact Gordon Webber on 07919 145476 or [email protected].

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14. Can I apply to more than one Access Bikes fund or make multiple applications to the same fund?

There are three Access Bikes funds: main fund, non-standard fund and recycled fund. Organisations may not apply to more than one fund or make multiple applications to the same fund.

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15. What is the closing date for applications?

The closing date is 31 January 2024.

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