Scottish roads users “at risk” due to delayed road safety tool, says Cycling UK

View from a cyclist rear view camera just before a car hits the cyclist
A shot from Mr Myles’s camera moments before he was knocked off his bike. Photo: Alan Myles
Cycling UK renews call for Police Scotland and Scottish Government to introduce an online portal for the submission of camera evidence following collision between Mr Myles and a driver who knocked him from his bike in 2021
  • Charity renews calls for camera footage portal to be launched, following shocking failure by police to prosecute hit-and-run driver who was caught on camera knocking down cyclist
  • Alan Myles was hit from behind by driver and knocked from his bike in November 2021
  • Scottish Government and Police Scotland promised to launch National Dashcam Safety Portal for submissions of camera evidence of road crimes in 2021 following calls by Cycling UK, RAC, AA and 30 other road user organisations
  • Footage and stills available

Cycling UK is renewing its call for Police Scotland and the Scottish Government to make good on the promise to launch an online portal for the submission of camera evidence of road crimes.

It follows the failure of the East Dunbartonshire branch of Police Scotland to investigate in a timely manner the shocking incident that saw Alan Myles, 36, knocked off his bike in a hit-and-run incident by someone driving into him from behind in November 2021.

Keir Gallagher, Cycling UK campaigns manager, said:

“It’s not just Mr Myles who has been let down by Police Scotland’s failure to investigate and report this collision to the Procurator Fiscal within the necessary 12 month timeframe but responsible drivers, cyclists and pedestrians across Scotland.

“Had the force and the Government made good on their commitment to introduce a National Dashcam Safety Portal, as is in operation across most of the UK, arguably the investigation could have been concluded in a timely and cost-effective manner that would have delivered justice and safer roads. There is a clear lack of consistency in investigating road crimes at branch level which the portal would help to address.”

In November 2021 Mr Myles was cycling back from work along the A891 near Lennoxtown in East Dunbartonshire, where temporary road works had reduced the road to one lane controlled by traffic lights. Shortly after the entering the lane, Mr Myles was driven into and knocked off his bicycle by the driver who sought to overtake him in a place where there was insufficient space for a safe overtaking manoeuvre.

The driver continued their journey and did not stop or report the collision to police. Mr Myles was left with severe bruising, which left him ‘unable to sit down for a week’, and his bicycle broken beyond repair.

Mr Myles has reportedly had no previous altercations or interaction with the person driving, and his video evidence shows no prior provocation for the collision.

In addition to camera footage submitted by Mr Myles shortly after the incident, two people who witnessed the collision had their reports taken by the police, but it took police four months to identify the driver.

Despite this clear evidence, and Mr Myles receiving compensation from the driver’s insurance following the collision, the police took more than a year to investigate and report the case to the Procurator Fiscal. The Procurator Fiscal’s office wrote to Mr Myles stating that because “the case was received beyond a year [after the date of the offence] it was time barred on receipt”.

In that letter, the Procurator Fiscal’s office also suggested: “It maybe that you [Mr Myles] wish to inquire with the police why it took so long to report this matter to me.”

Mr Myles said:

“Ever since I was knocked off my bike, every time I head out for a ride to work or with friends and family, I have that nagging thought that maybe I’ll be hit again – maybe that same person who drove into me will be out on the road again.

“I was lucky my injuries weren’t more severe, but so many people who are injured or killed on our roads are not. Not only have the police failed to deliver justice in my case, they are failing to ensure our roads are kept safe from those who pose the greatest danger to others. We need the National Dashcam Safety Portal to be introduced urgently, so that no one else has to go through what I have.”

Cycling UK launched the campaign for a national dashcam portal in October 2020 after road rage victim David Brennan was given a police warning for swearing, while the driver who punched him in the face during his cycle to work was not prosecuted. The incident also happened in East Dunbartonshire and was also captured on camera and witnessed by a member of the public.

In March 2021 the campaign received support from a coalition of 33 road user organisations including the AA and the RAC. A YouGov poll in August of the same year showed that 59% of Scottish adults supported the introduction of an online system that allows the public to upload footage of dangerous driving on Scottish roads, while just 17% opposed it.

In March 2022, the Scottish Government announced that it had allocated £300,000 to develop the National Dashcam Safety Portal. However by October, Police Scotland said that the portal was ‘under review’ due to budget constraints.

Mr Gallagher added:

“Responsible drivers, cyclists and pedestrians in Scotland shouldn’t be put at risk because of delays to the National Dashcam Safety Portal. The case for its introduction is overwhelming: it will save police time and money, is widely supported by the public and road user groups, is used successfully almost everywhere else in the UK and ultimately will help to deliver road safety and justice consistently across Scotland.

“Police Scotland and the Government must urgently get together and find a solution to get this vital road safety tool up and running as a matter of the highest priority.”


Notes to editors

  1. Cycling UK, the UK’s cycling charity, imagines a world where the streets are free of congestion and the air is clean to breathe, where parents encourage their children to cycle to school and everyone shares the exhilaration of being in the saddle. For more than 140 years, we’ve been making our streets safer, opening up new traffic free routes and inspiring more people to cycle more often.
  2. Footage and stills available of Mr Myles’s collision and the time leading up to it:
  3. Further background on the Scottish Government and Police Scotland’s commitment to adopt a National Dashcam Safety Portal available at:

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For more information, please contact the national Cycling UK press office If you would like to speak to a member of the press office during working hours (0900-1700) please email [email protected]. Out of hours, call 07584 271 300