Chief Executive of Cycling UK ‘infuriated’ after theft of bike on train

Cycling UK Chief Exec Paul riding his Brompton at a recent Public Health England conference
Paul Tuohy, the Chief Executive of the national cycling charity, Cycling UK, says he’s infuriated after falling victim to bike thieves on a train in Kent last night. (Dec 20)
  • Paul Tuohy’s Brompton bike stolen on a train between London and Dartford
  • Renewed warning from national cycle charity about cycle security
  • Photos available of Paul Tuohy on stolen bike

Mr Tuohy, who has led the charity since July 2014, had his Brompton folding bike stolen on an early evening train from London to Dartford at around 7:15pm on Wednesday (Dec 20).

Mr Tuohy said: "I was travelling back from a meeting in Soho, and as always I put my bike folded up behind my seat.

"I sat down with my phone and started to do some work when a man struck up a conversation with me after noticing the Cycling UK logo on my jacket.

"We had a nice chat for about twenty minutes, but he got off the train a few stops before Dartford.

"When I checked behind my seat, my bike was gone. So at some point during that twenty minute conversation, someone lifted it and walked off.

"It left me with a really empty feeling. I’ve had that Brompton since I started with the charity in 2014. It’s a brilliant bike. That bike and me have done a lot of work together for Cycling UK."

Red Brompton

Cycling UK was formerly known as the CTC, and champions the rights of cyclists, encouraging more people to get on their bikes for fun, fitness and transport.

Mr Tuohy added: "The bike’s a little bit battered, but it’s recognisable because it has a CTC sticker on the mudguard. It’s just so infuriating."

Cycling UK is taking the opportunity to warn other cyclists to take care with security of their bikes.

More than 327,000 bicycles are stolen every year in England and Wales, and around 26 out of every 1,000 bike-owning households were affected by bike theft.

Notes to editors

  1. Cycling UK, the national cycling charity, inspires and helps people to cycle and keep cycling, whatever kind of cycling they do or would like to do. Over a century’s experience tells us that cycling is more than useful transport; it makes you feel good, gives you a sense of freedom and creates a better environment for everyone.
  2. Photos of the missing Brompton bike, Paul Tuohy riding the bike, and stock image of Paul Tuohy available from a Dropbox folder here:
  3. Cycling UK has published a guide to bike security on its website -

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For more information contact the national Cycling UK Press Office on 01483 238 315, 07786 320 713 or email [email protected]