Big Bike Revival celebrates over 500 events in Scotland

Bicycle Jumble Sale, Bike Station Glasgow (photographer Andy Catlin)
The Big Bike Revival, a national campaign designed to encourage thousands of people to cycle for everyday journeys, celebrated a milestone this week with over 500 events across Scotland

Since mid-September, the award winning programme developed by Cycling UK has been bringing bikes back into use in Scotland by offering free mechanics sessions, bike safety checks, confidence building classes, led rides, route planning and more. 

The Big Bike Revival has partnered with 81 community groups, businesses, charities and bike recycling centres across the country, working across every single local authority area in the process. Activities have taken place from Lerwick to Kirkcudbright, Stornoway to Aberdeen and every local authority in between. 

The Scottish Government has a vision to see 10% of every day journeys by bike by 2020. With around two thirds of journeys under 5km are currently travelled by car in Scotland, the Big Bike Revival has been encouraging people to revive their bikes and love of cycling for short, everyday trips.   

With over 500 events under its belt, the Big Bike Revival is now moving onto its next stage to support people to cycle over the winter season and into 2017. Using a community development approach, fifty cycling clubs will be developed and supported across Scotland to provide people with ongoing cycling opportunities and activities. 

Cycling should be a more visible activity, and hopefully the Big Bike Revival will make that happen.”

Humza Yousaf, Minister for Transport and the Islands said:

Clubs will be supported by five Cycling UK Development Officers and could include family cycling groups, groups that help build confidence and fitness for new riders, women’s groups or all-ability cycling clubs. Ride leader training, first aid sessions and basic mechanics classes will help clubs to be sustainable and continue to offer cycling in their local communities. Community clubs will also be able to signpost people to suitable local routes and provide advice on getting into cycling again. 

Humza Yousaf, Minister for Transport and the Islands said:

“The Scottish Government is delighted to be funding this initiative and to be working with Cycling UK in helping to get old bikes back into use.  With 35% of the population having access to at least one bike, cycling should be a more visible activity, and hopefully the Big Bike Revival will make that happen.”

Shona Morris, Big Bike Revival project manager said: 

“The last six weeks of the Big Bike Revival have been amazing. We’ve seen thousands of people attend our events across the length and breadth of Scotland and have been delighted at the positive feedback and comments from those who have dusted their bikes down and decided to get back in the saddle. 

“We’ve worked with a wide range of people to encourage them to get riding, including people with disabilities, those that haven’t cycled for decades, families, members of BME communities and older people. The organisations involved have also seen great benefits from working on the Big Bike Revival, including reaching out to new people, fostering relationships locally and offering cycling activities for the first time. We’re looking forward to building on this success and momentum with community clubs provision.”

Neal Ingram, Chairperson of Lewis and Harris Youth Clubs Association taking part in the Big Bike Revival said:

“We ran a Big Bike Revival event with the Bridge Youth and Community Group in Stornoway at the end of October and the day was extremely well attended. There was a range of activities to help people young and old to find their confidence, including on-road rides and training, Dr Bikes and basic mechanics. We’d be keen to do more to encourage cycling locally, so the idea of community clubs to keep people riding their bikes over the darker months really appeals.”  

Notes to editors

  1. Images of Big Bike Revival events are available to download from this link:…;
  2. Seventy-one groups across Scotland have been funded to deliver events and activities for participants, including bike recycling centres, community organisations, local bike shops and charities. There have also been ten unfunded groups involved, bringing the total to 81 groups and organisations. 
  3. The Big Bike Revival aims to develop 50 community cycling clubs across Scotland by the end of March 2017. 
  4. The Big Bike Revival in Scotland is funded by Transport Scotland. 
  5. Cycling UK, formerly CTC the national cycling charity, aims to inspire, encourage and help people of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy cycling more often and safely. Find out more at

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