Cycling UK Bedfordshire

UPDATED on 29-05-2024  

*AGM 2024 WAS AT THE PAVILION CAFE, BEDFORD PARK, PARK AVENUE, BEDFORD MK41 7SS on Wednesday 8th MAY 2024.  A range of topics were covered and the evening was made most interesting  and informative by the three invited guest speakers (a CUK Trustee, Sports Psychologist and a former Professional Cyclist).


Welcome to Cycling UK Bedfordshire, we look forwards to seeing you at our meeting point at Bedford Park East Gate MK41 7PZ. If for any reason you are unable to get to the park you are welcome to join us at the venue (see RIDES PROGRAMME below) for elevenses i.e. 11.00am   


               Safe and Happy riding everyone 


Cycling is a great way to see the countryside, meet new people and above all, keep fit. 

If you are looking for someone to ride with, whether you are new to cycling, returning to cycling after some years away or a complete beginner then you will find a warm welcome with us. You can find contact details further down the page or simply turn up to one of rides listed in the RIDES PROGRAMME  below and take it from there. We occasionally organise rides outside our published programme these are usually listed in the Events & Rides tab at

If you would like to talk to someone before taking the plunge contact  the ride leader listed on the Rides Programme

or our chairman: Kam. Dhillon MBE 07881405454

We look forward to hearing from you and having your company on our rides. 


                     Enjoy the Ride, make it an adventure 


Contact details

Our activities

Audax/Sportive road rides
Leisure/Touring rides
Campaigning group

About us

Cycling UK Bedfordshire group (formerly Bedfordshire CTC) was formed in 1926 and organises weekend social rides for cyclists of all ages and abilities. We are a friendly and welcoming group who explore the wonderful countryside in North and Mid Bedfordshire. We are not a competitive race group so if your cycle is road worthy you are very welcome to join one of our rides.

All rides start from Bedford Park Lake and are led by an experienced Leader who ensures no one is left behind. Most routes that we take keep you away from busy, fast roads, although you may cross them or ride very short lengths where it is safe to do so.   If you have not ridden in a group before, other riders will help you throughout the ride so that you soon feel comfortable with riding with others. We are not a race group and we ride safely showing respect to all road users.

Reflecting the ethos of the Group, all rides take a break around half distance. This usually at a cafe, coffee shop or Garden Centre for a well-earned cake and good conversation. If you are unable to meet at the park you are welcome to meet there. Details are on the rides programme. 


Information about the group rides

On Saturdays we offer our Club Rides. These are reasonably paced rides over an approximate distance of  25 miles. The usual start time is 9.30am from Bedford Park East gate returning around noon. These are excellent rides for new or inexperienced riders who may be feel a little apprehensive about riding in a group or more experienced riders looking for a ride with good company and chat.

The Sunday Classic rides are ridden at a slightly faster pace and for a longer distance than the Club rides, covering some 30+ miles. The Thursday rides are also longer rides and may be 40+ miles. They are for people who ride on a regular basis or those riders who may have ridden with the Saturday group and feel confident to increase distance and take on a more challenging route.

These longer rides are definitely not a race, so if you enjoy cycling and are confident, you are welcome to join us.  The usual start time is 9am from Bedford Park East Gate, but the start time and place does vary so please check the web site, returning around 2pm (and later for the 40+miles rides).

The Start for Saturday rides is the Eastern end of Bedford Park Lake. If you enter the Park via the Park Road/St Augustine’s entrance and turn right, we meet by the Children’s Play Area.

Sunday and Thursday rides may also start here but do check, as some rides may start at different locations and times! It is best to check the rides programme as this is regularly updated and gives full details of the planned rides.

During the summer months, we may have a number of additional rides and occasionally a Car Assisted Ride when we take our bikes out of the County and ride new routes.

Always check the LATEST RIDES PROGRAMME on this web site (see above). 

Terry GOFF               SECRETARY

[email protected]

07395 037816

Kam. Dhillon MBE     CHAIR

07881 405454

[email protected]

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