CTC North Yorkshire AGM Minutes (Subject to approval)

CTC North Yorkshire

Minutes for 47th Annual General Meeting AGM to be held on Sunday, 15th May 2022 at 1200 noon:

The Galtres Centre,

Market Place, Easingwold,

YO61 3AD

Tel. 01347 822472


Present: Ann Benton (AB), Keith Benton (KB), Brian Davis (BD), Peter Holyoake (PH), Andrew Richardson (AR) David Nunns (DN), Robert Worrall (RW), Jacqueline Mountford-Green (JMG) Jim Benbow (JB), members of CTC North Yorkshire, 23 persons in all

  1. Secretary opened the meeting, welcomed all and continued with:
  2. Apologies for absence

“Elizabeth”, David Sales, John Fletcher, Ray Johnson, Jim Dalton,

Patricia Fairey, William Fry, Andrew Ripley, Nick Folkard, Jerry

Boswell, Keith Struthers

  1. Election of Chairperson

AB Nominated by AR seconded by BD - Passed unanimously

AB Thanked all for attending, pointed out we are all “Willing” volunteers, thanks the Galtrees Centre Ladies for the lunch and declared the meeting open.

  1. Obituaries: Bill Baker
  2. Minutes of 46th AGM held 1st November 2020

Proposed as taken as read and accepted by KB seconded by RW - Passed unanimously

  1. Matters arising - none
  2. Adoption of annual report 31st March 2022:

Events Secretary- AR read the Event report.

Rights Officer – DN read his report

Thirsk Ladies Group – JMG read her report

These reports comprise the annual report and will be published on the website.

Proposed by Bryan Stanton seconded by Paul Marr

Passed unanimously



  1. Adoption of Treasurer’s accounts y/e 31st March 2022

Proposed by RW seconded by JB- Passed unanimously

  1. To consider any motions – no motions submitted.
  2. Election of officers
    1. President AB Prop’d Eileen Holyoak Sec’d PH

– Elected unopposed

  1. Vice Presidents

KB and PH – Elected unopposed

  1. Secretary BD Prop’d AR Sec’d BS

– Elected unopposed

  1. Treasurer KB Prop’d PH Sec’d AB

– Elected unopposed

  1. Events Secretary AR Prop’d BD Sec’d RW

- Elected unopposed

  1. Safeguarding Officer NF Prop’d AR Sec’d BD

– Elected unopposed

  1. Communications/Publicity Officer

Vacant still

  1. Webmaster

Eamonn Prendergast (EP) propsed by BD, Sec’d by JMG

– Elected unopposed

  1. Rights Officer DN Prop’d KB Sec’d EP

– Elected unopposed

  1. General Committee JMG, JB and RW Prop’d AR Sec’d PH

- Elected unopposed

  • KB suggested we invite Helen Hills to next committee meeting as she had offered to assist with Cyclists rights work.
    1. Appointment of Auditor PH Prop’d AB Sec’d JMG
  1. Date & place of next AGM

30th April 2023 1200 for 1230 at The Galtres Centre, Market Place, Easingwold,

YO61 3AD

12  Any other business

Next committee meeting Monday 27th June 1330 at Wigginton Village Hall

Meeting Closed 1352

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