About CTC Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders and our rides

Mudguards are useful when it is wet
Who we are, what our rides are like and what you need on a ride.

We are the member group of the national charity, Cycling UK. Before being rebranded in 2016 the organisation was called The Cyclist Touring Club i.e. The CTC.

Our area includes Edinburgh, the Lothians, Scottish Borders and east to Berwick upon Tweed and in total the group has over 1,500 members.

There are 3 rides from Edinburgh in summer, 2 rides in the winter months.  A typical ride will attract 12 to 20 participants.

The advertised distance of our rides is from the start point to the finish point. Do take account of the return distance from your home to the start point and back from the finish to calculate the overall distance you will cycle in the day.

Wednesday rides

Our Wednesday rides are around 50–80  miles in the summer and 40-60 miles in the winter.
Meeting time 09.50 for 10.00 start at published location.
We have a picnic lunch; al fresco in summer and in pre-booked village hall where we can make hot drinks during the winter months.
Bring something to eat and drink to keep you going on the ride.
Runs are paced at around 10 to 12 mph although we never leave anyone behind.

Sunday rides

Sunday rides are usually around 40 miles although there may be the occasional longer ride.
Meeting time: 09:50 for a 10:00 start at published location.
We usually have a café stop for lunch or a picnic in the summer.
These runs are aimed at people who fancy a relatively easy paced cycle run and those who want to take a step up from shorter to longer cycle runs.

Tuesday evening rides

Tuesday evening rides take place during the summer months and are around 20 miles, usually with a pub/cafe stop near the end.
All rides meet at 18.30 hrs in front of the Commonwealth Pool, 21 Dalkeith Road, EH16 5BB.
Riders should be capable of managing this distance and if they are not sure or would like advice please contact Charles Wallis <[email protected] >


To view the destination, meet point and contact for our next ride, check our rides list and time table here: Rides-List

By joining the Groups.io email group, you will receive emails from the rides leader giving full details of the route, distance, possible weather conditions, meeting point, lunch and coffee stops.

Send an email to:Bill Crook <[email protected]> with with a couple of lines saying who you are, why you would like to join our group and if you are a member of Cycling UK. You will get an email shortly from Groups.io inviting you to join the group. All you have to do is reply to this email and then you should start receiving the emails. Once you are in the group, you can find all the correspondence on the groups.io website at https://groups.io/g/CTCEdinburghLandB/topics


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What you need on a ride

A cycle in good working order with mudguards when wet to avoid spraying the riders behind.

Tyres in good condition. If you use slick tyres, you might wish to consider changing to more robust tyres with a tread in winter

Tool kit, puncture repair kit, at least 2 spare inner tubes.

Front and rear lights on winter and evening rides and on dull days.

Clothing that will be suitable for the prevailing conditions, e.g. high visibility and adequate to keep you warm and dry.

Adequate food and drink for the day’s ride.  Sufficient money for coffee, snacks et al.

A bike lock.

Each rider should carry emergency contact details (In Case of Emergency- ICE) both on their person (card in wallet/purse, ICE on mobile) and in their bike bag. In addition the leader of the ride will have a list of regular riders and their ICE details. To be included on this list please email your details to icectc.lb AT gmail.com.

The group will always do their best to help anyone in mechanical difficulty.  However, you are ultimately responsible for looking after yourself and getting yourself home. 
