Women's Cycling Awards 2020
With 12 categories that cover the world of women’s cycling in the last 12 months, a panel of high-profile women working in the cycling industry drew up a shortlist of five nominees for the first eleven awards. These were put to a public vote where thousands of you voted for the winners below.
The accolades cover the full spectrum of female involvement in representing, participating, supporting and inspiring others to stay active. An outstanding achievement award has been awarded by the judging panel to Annemiek van Vleuten who, above all the other award winners, stood out in their efforts to promote women’s cycling.
You can view the full list of outstanding nominees for the 2020 awards, and look out for the return of the Women's Cycling Awards next year.

The 2020 Women's Cycling Award winners
Women’s Cycling Writer of the Year
2020 winner: Emily Chappell
The women's cycling writer of the year award recognises the author whose writing promotes women's cycling, whether through mainstream media, books, the cycling press, or through online blogging and contributed towards positive coverage of women’s cycling in the last 12 months.
Women’s Cycling Event of the Year
2020 winner: The Women's Tour
This award recognises the key female cycling event of the last year that inspired, promoted and reflected the success of women's cycling.
Women’s Cycling Team of the Year
2020 award winner: Canyon - SRAM Racing
The best women's cycling team of previous season.
Pro-Rider of the Year
2020 award winner: Annemiek van Vleuten
The outstanding female rider of the previous season.
Women's Cycle Clothing Brand of the Year
2020 award winner: Stolen Goat
The best female friendly clothing brand, with well designed, good quality products that are aimed at female cyclists.
Women's Bike Brand of the Year
2020 award winner: Liv
The best female friendly bike manufacturer, with a bike/range of bikes that are designed for the benefit of women who cycle.
Cycling Heroine
2020 award winner: Fiona Kolbinger
Your inspiring heroine that has gone above and beyond to achieve success or complete an outstanding personal challenge in cycling in the last 12 months.
Volunteer of the Year
2020 award winner: Sarah Javaid
An exceptional female who gives their time and energy that has gone above and beyond to dedicate themselves to cycling.
Influential Woman of the Year
2020 award winner: Dame Sarah Storey
The influential and inspiring woman of note who has made a difference through their work in cycling, whether through the cycling industry, government or business.
Cycling Club of the Year
2020 award winner: InternationElles
The outstanding cycling club that has gone above and beyond to encourage female cyclists, promote women's cycling and inspire more women to ride in the last year.
Rising Star
2020 award winner: Eme Cosh
The outstanding young female in cycling in the last year, whether through their performance or their efforts to inspire others to ride (aged 23 or under).
Outstanding Achievement Award
2020 award winner: Annemiek van Vleuten
This award winner was chosen by the panel from the other categories, deemed to have made the most outstanding contribution to women’s cycling within the last twelve months. They considered the impact, the reach they have, the benefits it has had on women’s cycling and the ability of their achievement to inspire more females to cycle.
The Women's Cycling Awards are delivered by the London Bike Show, supported by Cycling UK.
Celebrating the winners
Cycling clothing manufacturer Primal Europe provided unique prizes for the awards, with a custom cycling jersey designed by Anna Glowinski that has been presented to each of the winners.