Support Cycling UK this Giving Tuesday

Cyclists riding at night wearing Christmas outfits.
In honour of Giving Tuesday, we explore what the UK might look like if more people cycled, a cause Cycling UK is extremely passionate about

Have you heard about the great work being done by the folks over at Giving Tuesday? Falling on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, their goal is to create a global day of giving. It’s one day a year dedicated to raising awareness of charitable causes and inspiring people to get involved; whether that’s through their time or donations.

So if you’re looking for Giving Tuesday ideas, we’d love you to support Cycling UK. We’re passionate about many things. Most of all, though, we’re convinced that we can help make a better world by bike, but we can’t do it alone. Donations from people who love cycling are so important for us to continue doing this work.

Donate now to support a cycle friendly future

Imagine if our streets were free of congestion, the air was clean to breathe and everyone was fitter and healthier. With your support, we can get millions more people on their bikes and unclog the streets of traffic.

Cycling is amazing. Life changing. Spirit lifting. Cycling UK has more than 140 years’ experience of supporting cyclists and campaigning for their rights. That’s why we believe everyone has the right to cycle, to enjoy access to safe routes and to be given the skills to ride with confidence.

Your donation can make that dream a reality. Even the smallest amount will help us change lives and improve the places where we live and work. Support Cycling UK to make a better world by bike for tomorrow.

What impact does getting more people on bikes actually have?

More people on bikes means:

  • A healthier population: with more people either cycling more for enjoyment, or to replace shorter car journeys with a bike ride, this will improve fitness and overall health of the population. This could reduce the strain on the NHS – benefitting not only the health of the individual cycling but waiting times and access to care for everybody.
  • More funding: it’s no surprise that the more demand there is for something, the more attention it gets. With more and more schemes getting national recognition, this would only improve with greater numbers of people cycling.
  • Better infrastructure: those looking to replace common car journeys with a bike are often worried about the situation on the roads. Cities like Copenhagen have invested time and resources into creating a safe place to cycle, and as a result thousands of residents cycle all year round. With better infrastructure comes far greater cycling safety.
  • Fewer vehicles on the road: despite ever-improving vehicle safety features, many accidents are caused by the sheer volume of cars on the road. With more people opting to cycle, this takes the pressure off our already overburdened roads and town centres.

This is why we so firmly believe in making cycling safer and more accessible. The benefits of becoming a cycling nation are tangible and achievable; so let’s make it happen. To help, donate now this Giving Tuesday, which is easily done online.

The Big One: the benefits of cycling on the environment

It’s a huge one, and irrefutable. Whether you’re already a cyclist who appreciates the benefits of the great outdoors, or someone who wants make changes to your own carbon footprint, switching out some of your travel from four wheeled to two is one of the biggest impacts on the environment that individuals can make.

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Take a round trip to the shop, for example. When you’ve run out of milk for your tea and you need to nip to the shop, it’s tempting to hop in the car. But if we assume this is a 5km round trip, that’s 1,355g of CO2. If you opted to go by bike, you’d only produce 105g.

The total travel time might be less by car, but you gain added benefits from the physical exertion of a cycle, and that 92% reduction in carbon output can’t be ignored.

It’s a common understanding that reducing vehicular use will have a positive impact on our carbon footprints. Look at what happened in that very unusual year in 2020! Car use in particular is one of the main causes of transport-related emissions, and so aiming to cut out some of our trips will support a greener future for everyone.

Cycling should be enjoyed by all; and to enjoy cycling in the great outdoors for longer, we need to look after our planet. And to look after the planet, we can cycle more. That’s the kind of loop we love to see! What better reason to be pushing for a more bike-friendly UK?

So, what exactly can we achieve if we can work together to make the world better by bike?

  • A greener planet
  • A more communal planet
  • A healthier planet

This is why we’ve been working hard so that everyone has the chance to live this dream with us. If you want to join us on this mission, here are a few ways you can support Cycling UK this Giving Tuesday:

  • Donate now
  • Discover how to become a volunteer and help us reach more people by leading events, or cycling groups, or pitching in with those smaller tasks that always need doing
  • If you’re a keen cyclist you could even become a member, or gift one to a friend or family. A membership comes with year-round advice, third-party insurance, and access to exclusive discounts

No matter who you choose to support for Giving Tuesday 2023, it’s a great opportunity to take part in a day of global giving and support a cause you’re passionate about.