Making cycling e-asier launches in Manchester

woman on bike in Manchester canal area
The project launches in Manchester first
Cycling UK launches ‘Making cycling e-asier’ to help the nation try e-cycling and accelerate shift to active travel, starting in Manchester

Cycling UK has today announced the launch of ‘Making cycling e-asier' which sees up to £8 million of investment from Department for Transport from 2022 – 2023 to offer free e-cycle loans in pilot areas across England.

This investment will enable Cycling UK to roll out an innovative new pilot programme focusing on electric cycles, making them freely available for people who would not normally consider cycling. The initiative is being launched at selected locations across England, starting with Manchester.

Supported by an expert consortium of industry partners, Cycling UK will be providing free loans of electric cycles, giving local communities the opportunity to get around by e-cycle including non-standard e-cycle.

The programme aims to dispel common myths and build awareness of e-cycles. E-cycles enable people of all ages to cycle with assistance, making hills and journeys easier.

E-cycles will be made available at hubs in each pilot location with branches of Evans Cycles, local community spaces, selected workplaces and education settings being used to roll out the scheme.

This e-cycle programme delivers part of the Prime Minister’s ambitious Walking and Cycling Plan (Gear Change) to boost cycling and walking, with a vision for half of all journeys in towns and cities to be cycled or walked by 2030.

Cycling UK’s extensive experience of engaging with underrepresented groups means they recognise the barriers, challenges and perceptions that can deter people from trying cycling. Through their tried and tested behavioural change models, Cycling UK has the ability to deliver projects and programmes that attract diverse groups and empower communities.

Cycling UK will use their existing local community network of over 400 community cycling organisations to rapidly engage with underrepresented groups and non-regular cyclists to deliver high quality, inclusive activities. Their behaviour change programmes engage with an average of 51% non-regular cyclists and 27% minority ethnic groups year on year.

Sarah Mitchell, Cycling UK’s chief executive said:

“The e-cycles project is a unique opportunity for Cycling UK to offer free and easy loans of electric cycles to communities across England. Each of our chosen locations will have a variety of e-cycles available to suit a variety of participants' needs.

“At Cycling UK, we understand that taking the first step to start cycling can be a difficult prospect for many people. This project will allow them to access an e-cycle without obstacles holding them back, to help them make real changes to their travel habits.”

Cycling minister Trudy Harrison said:

“E-cycles are a great way for people with longer or hillier journeys to travel and the £8 million we have provided for this scheme will help make cycling the natural first choice for many journeys – a key Government commitment from the Prime Minister’s Walking and Cycling plan.

“I’m grateful to Cycling UK for delivering this scheme on our behalf, giving people across the UK the opportunity to try something new whilst doing good for the planet.”

The scheme commences in Manchester in May 2022 as the first of the pilot locations and will be marked by a high-profile media launch event supported by Evans Cycles.

Users will be able to enrol on the scheme via Cycling UK’s website from the 12th of May 2022 or through walk-ins at Evans Cycles and selected community hubs.

Confirmed Making cycling e-asier partners, supporting the delivery include, Evans Cycles, Raleigh Bikes, Specialized, Tier Mobility, Islabikes, Cycling Projects, Bikeworks, Fusion Media, Modeshift, Cyclescheme, Cycle Confident, Big Issue e-bikes, Bicycle Association, Transport for Quality of Life.

For more information, please visit the Making cycling e-asier webpage.

Notes to editors

Notes to Editors

About DfT

The Department for Transport works with its agencies and partners to support the transport network that helps the UK’s businesses and gets people and goods travelling around the country. It plans and invests in transport infrastructure to keep the UK on the move. The new executive agency, Active Travel England, will deliver the Government’s cycling and walking priorities, enabling more people in England to choose walking and cycling for their everyday journeys.

About Cycling UK

Cycling UK, the UK’s cycling charity, imagines a world where the streets are free of congestion and the air is clean to breathe, where parents encourage their children to cycle to school and everyone shares the exhilaration of being in the saddle. For more than 140 years, we’ve been making our streets safer, opening up new traffic free routes and inspiring more people to cycle more often.    

Confirmed partners

Evans Cycles, Raleigh Bikes, Specialized, Tier Mobility, Islabikes, Wheels for All, Bikeworks, Fusion Media, Modeshift, Cyclescheme, Cycle Confident, Big Issue e-bikes, Bicycle Association, Transport for Quality of Life

Press contact information

For more information, please contact the national Cycling UK press office. Due to the restrictions caused by the coronavirus outbreak, currently the main press office number (01483 238 315) is not being monitored. If you would like to speak to a member of the press office during working hours (0900-1700) please email [email protected]. Out of hours, call 07786 320 713