5.7 million Brits cycling more by 2020

This new three-year partnership is set to get millions cycling more
Cycling UK and Halfords have launched a new three-year partnership aimed at helping to get millions in Britain cycling more.

Retailer Halfords and the nation’s cycling champion, Cycling UK, have ambitious plans to help increase participation in active travel, as well as encouraging new cyclists, more families and children to get out on bikes and enjoy the benefits that cycling can bring.

Cycling UK has a number of active grassroots projects and national campaigns in place to help encourage and inspire more people to try cycling, including hosting over 13,000 events and driving major cycling programmes, including the Big Bike Revival and Bike Week.

Paul Tuohy, Chief Executive at Cycling UK said: “This great new partnership with Halfords will really help Cycling UK to get more people cycling more often. With over 460 Halfords stores adding their support to that of our 67,000 members, we will help to get more Brits moving more often.”

“With the Government’s announcement of over one billion pounds of investment in walking and cycling showing real intent, Cycling UK and Halfords are proud to champion a similarly ambitious and achievable target to get over five and a half million people cycling more.”

Simon Irons, Halfords Group Cycling Director said: “For Halfords, partnering with Cycling UK seemed like a natural fit, given we share many of the same aspirations. We’re really excited to work with Cycling UK to encourage people to cycle, at all levels and across all ages. We’re proud to make a commitment to giving participation in cycling across the UK a real boost.”

Cycling UK President Jon Snow said of the new partnership: “Whether you are scooting out on a balance bike for that first sense of freedom, rekindling that love of cycling with your own family, seeking great off-road routes, or you’re returning to the saddle later in life, it’s our partnership that will help to give Britain that friendly lift back into cycling.”

The partnership,as well as supporting cycling all year round, will see a programme of activities across spring and summer to get bikes checked over, fixed up and back in use through thousands of free-to-attend events.

Notes to editors

1. Cycling UK is a 138-year-old membership organisation. We champion a simple belief – that cycling should be an easy, safe, fun, and accessible way to get around. Visit cyclinguk.org to get inspired.

2. The Big Bike Revival aims to help you dig out your bike from the shed or garage, get it checked

over and fixed up so that you can ride it for fun, to the shops, work or school. With events planned

throughout May and June, you can find your nearest Big Bike Revival event at


4. Bike Week runs from 10-18 June and is set to get over half a million people cycling. Visit

bikeweek.org.uk to find our more.

5. Cycling UK members will now have access to a 10% discount in Halfords stores across the UK. Join today

from just £3.59 a month and we’ll support your cycling, while you help us to support many more

people to get cycling and keep cycling. Visit cyclinguk.org/join today.

Press contact information

Cycling UK Press Office
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0844-736-8453