Political speed dating set for Scotland

Political speed dating is set to bring female politicians, activists and the public together to discuss cycling issues in Scotland
An event in Edinburgh next week will bring together female politicians, activists and members of the public for some ‘political speed dating’ with a difference.

On 11 November, Edinburgh Transport convenor Lesley Hinds, Co-Chair of the Holyrood All-Party Cycling Group Alison Johnstone MSP and Conservative councillor Joanna Mowat will take part in a Women’s Cycle Forum event at Edinburgh's City Chambers.

As part of a new joint campaign “We Walk, We Cycle, We Vote”, participants will discuss the potential for Scotland to transform its transport policy, prioritising active travel in order to improve health, wellbeing and the economy.

Even in Edinburgh, Scotland's most cycle-friendly city, men are twice as likely as women to cycle, and rates of female participation in cycling are even lower elsewhere in Scotland.

Recent research has shown that women cycling are more likely to encounter 'near misses'. By contrast, in nations where cycling is treated as a mainstream transport option, women actually cycle more than men.

This goes far beyond just cycling – it’s about liveable cities, health, inequality and even happiness. Creating civilised streets benefits everyone.”
Sally Hinchcliffe, Co-organiser of the Women's Cycle Forum

In a response to overwhelming male dominance in UK transport policy, the Women’s Cycle Forum was founded in 2014, with the aim of ensuring that the voices of women and families are heard when vital decisions are made on the future of transport.

Forum founder, and CTC's Head of Development in Scotland, Suzanne Forup said: “The future shape of our streets – and our cities – is too important a subject to just leave to the boys to decide.”

Co-organiser of the Forum Sally Hinchcliffe commented: “This goes far beyond just cycling – it's about liveable cities, health, inequality and even happiness. Creating civilised streets benefits everyone.”

Notes to editors

1. Cycling improves health and well-being and is a sociable, affordable way to get about. Over half of all journeys in the UK are less than 5 miles and many of these could easily be managed on a bicycle.

2. Women are 50% more likely to experience 'near miss' events:


3. A recent report by Sustrans found that women are under-represented in cycling in Edinburgh, and less than a quarter of residents thought it was a safe place for children to cycle:


4. The Women’s Cycle Forum Round Table takes place on Wednesday 11 November in Edinburgh City Chambers from 8pm. The event is free but places are limited: please register online


5. “We Walk, We Cycle, We Vote” is a joint campaign supported by major charities including CTC, Sustrans, Living Streets and many local groups throughout Scotland. The campaign aims to make the nation healthier, wealthier and happier, using the 2016 Holyrood elections to call for investment, infrastructure and safety for walking and cycling throughout Scotland. More about what we are asking for here: www.walkcyclevote.scot

Press contact information

CTC Press Office
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0844-736-8453

Suzanne Forup, Head of Development Scotland , CTC, the national cycling charity

[email protected] or 07963704287

Sally Hinchcliffe, Organiser, Pedal on Parliament

[email protected] or 07982041278