CTC Suffolk

Our group is based around Ipswich. We organise a full programme of regular rides on Sundays and Thursdays all over Suffolk.

Our activities

Leisure/Touring rides

About us

About Us 

We are based in Ipswich and organise regular club rides on Sundays and Thursdays starting in the Ipswich/Woodbridge area. These are 'tourist' rides, covering all of Suffolk, that travel at a modest pace, usually stopping for elevenses, lunch and (in the summer) afternoon tea. Most of our rides are on surfaced roads, with occasional off-road routes on bridle paths. We also arrange several cycling events each year, including official 'Audax' events.

We run short tours in the UK, staying at hostels or small hotels. Recent tours have visited Lincolnshire, Holland, Derbyshire and Norfolk.  Additionally, informal groups of local members have also arranged numerous European tours. CTC Suffolk is keen to ensure that cyclists' rights are upheld, and we have a voluntary Rights Officer who represents our views in regular discussions with the local councils.

We cycle throughout the year, weather permitting.

We publish a lively quarterly on-line magazine, the 'Winged Wheel', which includes full details of all our rides and activities and a varied selection of articles.



Information about the group rides

We ride every Thursday and Sunday throughout the year.

Checkout our rides lists, and meet up with us at the start or a coffee or lunch stop.


Enquiries about these pages should be sent to [email protected]

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