Stevenage Cycle Campaign - Cycling UK

In the 1950s, Stevenage was the New Town built for bicycles. Cycling UK Stevenage are campaigning for our town to once more lead the way for active travel with high-quality, joined-up cycle infrastructure of our New Town planners' vision.

Our 4 areas of focus are:
Priority - Ensuring cycle infrastructure is well-maintained and fit for purpose.
Parking - Secure storage at home and where people cycling want to go.
Planning - Making sure that new developments are planned for active travel.
Publicity - Raising awarenesss of local and national campaigns.


Contact us at: [email protected]
Mailing list: Register to receive regular updates 
Join the Facebook Group: Stevenage Cycling Campaign - Cycling UK


Stevenage Borough Council Elections 2024

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Stevenage Station Secure Cycle Parking

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Active Travel Fund Projects

North Road cycleway and High Street, Old Town improvements. Find out more

Planning Applications 

Current consultations and Cycling UK Stevenage submissions. Find out more

Hertfordshire County Council - 20 mph Consultations

Current consultations and Cycling UK Stevenage submissions. Find out more

Stevenage Town Centre Regeneration 

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Old Bus Station "Yellow Brick Road" 

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Gresley Way Cycleway Petition

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Hertfordshire County Council - Cycleway Repair Schedule

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Stevenage Borough Council Elections 2023

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