Everybody's Cycling


Welcome to Everybody's Cycling homepage! We are a charitable organisation based in York, offering lots of fun and practical cycling experiences, activities and events to encourage people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the benefits of cycling. We have our own amazing fleet of conventional and unique bikes, including cycles for people with disabilities.

About us

Everybody's Cycling is a Community Benefit Society based in York operating across the UK, offering a wide range of support services to help people begin or continue to cycle. Here are just some of the cycling experiences we provide:

- Cycle Try-Out events with our fleet of conventional, unusual and adapted cycles 

- Pop up Bike Doctor events and bike maintenance workshops

- Family Fun Days with pedal powered attractions and megabikes

- Team building events with our seven-seater Circle Cycle

- Guided rides with cycles supplied (including tandems and companion cycles)

Our events and activities give people the chance to ride a wide selection of cycles, improve their riding skills, learn cycle maintenance, and learn more about the wide range of options available.

Check out our website for more details and have a look on our Gallery page for more photos. 

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