Would you rather...

Where would you rather be?
Where would you rather be?
Where would you rather be...on a busy, congested high street breathing nasty fumes or would you rather have room to walk, cycle and catch up with a friend?

Last year the Government asked councils to produce plans detailing where improvements for walking and cycling should be made. These improvements could be on busy shopping streets, congested commuter routes or local residential streets.

But we are worried that councils may never get the opportunity to build the improvements they identify, as currently there is no designated funding available for them to do so.

We want the Government’s plans and the hard work done by councils to be as successful as possible. Which is why we have joined with Living Streets and are calling for the Government to give local authorities the resources they need to make more places that are healthy, happy and attractive places to be.

We know where we would rather be. And shortly we will be launching a campaign, so that you too can tell the Government where you would rather be too.

If you'd like to be contacted when the campaign is launched this autumn, please email the campaigns team [email protected]