Treasurer's Toolkit

The treasurer performs an important function on behalf of the group. Photo by Ian Stratton
​What are the main tasks of a cycling group treasurer? Our guide spells them out.

The treasurer holds and accounts for any money collected in the name of the group.

They should do this by:

  • opening a bank account in the name of the group;
  • processing any membership fees both incoming and outgoing on behalf of the group;
  • preparing an Annual Statement of Accounts for audit and presentation to the AGM of the group. The statement should include a list of group's assets with current values;

For Cycling UK Member Groups, the treasurer should:

  • prepare an Annual Statement of Accounts for audit and presentation to the AGM of the group. The Statement should include:
    • a list of group's assets with current values; and
    • summaries of the accounts of any groups who have opted to share accounting procedures;
  • liaise with the honorary auditor appointed by the group;
  • complete an annual Subscription Allocation Claim and submit it to the finance manager at Cycling UK National Office;
  • submit a claim for Special Allocation Funding if so required by the group.
  • return any monies to Cycling UK on dissolution of the group.