Can you help a women’s cycling group targeted by bike thieves?

Bikes belonging to the Liverpool Ladies cycling group
Have you seen the bikes that were stolen from Liverpool Loopline Ladies?
A cycling group, funded by Cycling UK, that builds women’s confidence is devastated after thieves stole bikes, tools and equipment from Norris Green Park in Liverpool.

The equipment was taken from a locked container owned by the Friends of Norris Green Park which is used by Liverpool Loopline Ladies as their cycling hub. 

Among the items stolen were two brand new Apollo Virtue Bikes.

Helen Ball, Club Secretary, said “It is devastating to us. The bikes were so new, not only does it mean women without bikes will no longer be able to participate in our weekly rides, but it is a big confidence blow to the group. Those gaining pace with their cycling, they may re-consider buying a bike for themselves for fear of having it stolen.” 

The group was formed in 2017 with the financial support from Cycling UK to purchase the bicycles and grow their local women-only cycling community. The women who take part in the rides, have rediscovered the health and social benefits of regular cycling, in an area where bicycle ownership is very low.

Can you help?

The club is now appealing for anyone with a spare bike to donate it or help to raise the much-needed funds to replace the missing bicycles and equipment. 

Helen said: “We want to be able to continue to open our group to as many women as possible and this is a big setback for us.

“I am shocked at how they managed to break in, it must have taken some serious effort.

“Local people must have witnessed the theft taking place – the noise would have been significant. If anyone has any information, then please do get in touch.”

The theft occurred overnight between Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 January. Anyone with any potential information about the incident should contact Merseyside Police on 0151 709 6010.

For anyone looking to donate an unwanted bike to the cycling group, please contact the Cycling UK Press Office on 01483 238 315, 07786 320 713 or email [email protected]. 

Container that was broken into