Remember Cycling UK in your will

Man cycling in Cornwall on a gravel track with a lake to his left
By leaving Cycling UK a gift in your will, your passion today will help shape cycling’s tomorrow

Why leave a gift to Cycling UK?

For many of us cycling isn’t just a hobby or a healthy way to get from a to b – it’s a way of life that has shaped who we are. Your unique cycling journey, filled with freedom, friendships and happy memories, can now pave the way for others.

For more than140 years, Cycling UK has been transforming the UK’s cycling landscape. From securing road rights for cycles back in 1883 to the more recent Highway Code improvements, we’ve worked tirelessly to champion safer, more accessible cycling for all.

But our work doesn’t just stop at policy. Through our Community Cycle Clubs and behaviour change initiatives like the Big Bike Revival, we’re actively helping thousands of people across the UK discover the joy of cycling, building stronger, healthier communities in the process.

Your legacy gift will pave the way for generations to ride freely, safely and joyfully. Together, we’ll nurture healthier communities, create access to greener spaces, and build a bright, cycle-friendly future for all.

For more information on how to leave a gift to Cycling UK request your free gifts in Wills guide or speak to Emma Morris at [email protected] or 07584 345489 for personalised support in creating your cycling legacy.

Your legacy gift to Cycling UK could help to

  • Promote healthier, greener and happier lives through cycling
  • Inspire and encourage the next generations of cyclists
  • Make cycling safer and more accessible to all

We understand your loved ones come first, but we hope you’ll consider how your passion for cycling can live on with a gift to Cycling UK in your will.

Cyclist riding away in the distance in a field of poppies

Secure your legacy with our free will-writing service

Through our partnership with Farewill, the UK’s leading online will provider, we offer a free, simple will-writing service.

Key benefits

  • Create your will from the comfort of your home online or by telephone
  • Save your progress and return anytime
  • No obligation to leave a gift to us or any other charity – it’s your choice

If you don’t feel confident writing a will online, you can make your free will over the phone with one of Farewill’s specialists by making an appointment.

Leaving a gift to Cycling UK in my will is the best way to honour what cycling has given me. I want to pass that joy onto generations to come

Michael Millington, life member
Two men walking side by side on a path while holding their bikes

Your step-by-step guide to leaving a gift in your will to charity

  1. Request your free gifts in Wills guide
  2. Record the main things you own such as a house, shares, endowments, savings or life insurance policies
  3. Decide who you’d like to include in your will – your loved ones come first
  4. Choose what kind of gift you want to include for Cycling UK whether specific gifts (such as valuables or property) or money (pecuniary or residuary)
  5. Make or amend your will with a qualified solicitor or using our free will-writing service

Updating your will to include a gift

If you have already made your will and decide that you would like to leave a gift to Cycling UK, you can do this simply by adding a Codicil form to your current will. This leaves the rest of your wishes untouched.

Need help or prefer to receive a Codicil or Legacy guide in the post? Contact Emma Morris at [email protected] or 07584 345489.

Frequently asked questions

What are the different types of legacy gifts?

There are three main types of gift you could leave:

A pecuniary gift, is a set amount of money decided at the time you write your will. Therefore, its real value decreases over time due to inflation, unless it is index-linked to the Retail Price Index.

A residuary gift, which is a percentage or share of your estate. With this kind of gift you can be sure all the people you care about most are provided for first and foremost, but the charity also benefits because the gift holds its value over time.

A specific gift, which is when you leave a particular item of value – such as personal possessions, property or shares.

Can I choose what my legacy is spent on?

Of course you can. While we welcome legacies that can be used for current priorities to allow us to meet the most urgent needs of the charity, we are also very happy to accept gifts for a particular use.

That means you can choose where and what your money is spent on. For example, you might like to support a particular area of our work, such as our campaigning work or the Cyclists’ Defence Fund.

How will be legacy gift be used?

We value your trust and commitment to cycling’s future. Rest assured, your legacy gift will be used efficiently and effectively. Administrative and staff costs are covered by other funding sources, allowing your legacy gift to have the greatest impact on cycling in the UK.

Understanding inheritance tax and your legacy

Leaving a gift to Cycling UK in your will can be tax efficient:

  • Gifts to registered charities are currently exempt from Inheritance Tax. This may help reduce the overall tax burden on your estate so your legacy gift can benefit both your loved ones and causes you care about.

However, tax rules can change frequently, so we recommend seeking professional advice:

  • Consult a solicitor for will tax planning
  • Consider speaking with an accountant or tax adviser for detailed guidance

Our free will-writing service through Farewill includes basic inheritance tax information, but for complex estates, seek professional advice through a qualified solicitor, you can find one through The Law Society here.

I am an executor, where do I send the legacy payment?

All correspondence should be sent to Emma Morris at Cycling UK National Office, Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX. 

Please make cheques payable to Cycling UK.

Should you need to discuss the legacy payment please get in touch with Emma at [email protected] or telephone 07584 345489.