Chris Harris - winner

Volunteer Awards 2018
Chris Harris
Chris Harris is 2018’s winner in the Exceptional Individual – Cycling Group category for Cycling UK’s Volunteers of the Year Awards

Chris heads and leads the now extremely popular Tuesday Evening Cyclists Group, based in Wilaston on the Wirral.

It’s due to Chris’ work and enthusiasm for the group and cycling in general that has seen the group grow from 40-50 regular cyclists four years ago to over 100 people attending rides regularly throughout the week. He heads up and organises a team of over 30 volunteers with friendly, supportive and fully trained Ride Leaders, who never leave anyone behind.

This is a casual but well-structured group that makes sure everyone feels included, and this all stems from Chris himself. 

Cycling UK is pleased to recognise Chris' hard work in building this group to be as inclusive as possible, which has encouraged many more to cycle regularly who otherwise may not have started. 

Chris receiving his award

Cycling UK's Volunteer of the Year Awards are given annually to recognise and celebrate all the incredible work volunteers do in encouraging others to start cycling and keep cycling.