2025 Great Dorset Bike Ride

1 June 2025

Event description

Traditional ride, 46th wonderful year, open to all and free. Just turn up with your bike or ebike at Top o' town car park in Dorchester and ride the route at your own pace. In recent years there has been a great turn out. . This year we hope to build on that success. The event is free of registration fees and details but, as in previous years, we are requesting charitable donations see the website

Please ensure you know the route because there are no route markers, as usual. It is a good idea to take sufficient water and your mobile with you, but the route takes you past many facilities offering refreshments of different kinds. There are also many opportunities to shorten the route should you wish.  

Organised by West Dorset Cycling

Route details

Start location


Top o' town car park, DT1 1XT Dorchester, UK
United Kingdom

Grid reference
SY 68837 90701

Date and start time

  • Sunday 1 June 2025 - 10:00

Book this event

  • £This is a free event, open to all