2022 AGM Minutes

2022 AGM Minutes

Date: 21st April 2022 Time: 19.00

Venue: Zoom Meeting



Pauline Smith (Chair), Peter Herron, Miles Goff, Paula Fye, David King, Richard Gibson, Jonathan Orchard, Julie Crossman, Laura Porter, Angela Henderson, Adrian Woodward


Phil Bridger, Paul Newman, Paul Carey

Election of Officers:

The current committee have agreed to stand for a second year except for Paula Fye. Paul's role of Welfare Officer has been changed by CUK to Safeguarding and Welfare; the role also includes social organiser. Peter Herron offered to assist any nominee with expertise on Safeguarding.

Nominations were sought for the new committee

Chair – Pauline Smith – proposed by Jonathan Orchard; seconded by Paula Fye. Carried unanimously.

Secretary & Membership Officer – Peter Herron - proposed by David King; seconded by Laura Porter. Carried unanimously.

Treasurer - Miles Goff – proposed by Peter Herron; seconded by Richard Gibson. Carried unanimously.

Ride Secretary – David King proposed by Peter Herron; seconded by Pauline Smith. Carried unanimously.

Social Secretary & Safeguarding / Welfare Officer – Jonathan Orchard – proposed by Julie Crossman; seconded by Adrian Woodward. Carried unanimously.


Approval of Minutes of previous AGM November 2021

The minutes were unanimously approved.

Treasurers Report

Miles Goff presented the Treasurers Report for the financial year 2021 to 2022.

The transactions for the year were income was £275 and expenditure was £27 totalling £248 surplus for the year.

There is £887 total in the bank but this includes an amount of £311 which was paid to the club by CUK to facilitate a First Responder training course (see AOB below). CUK have stated that the club can continue to hold this money for future use for a similar event.

Removing this liability of £311 the club has total funds available of £576.

The accounts were audited by Andy Cox and approved.


Secretaries Report

Peter reflected on the impact of Covid19. Since the last AGM it has been a story of restarting the Club and gradually returning to normality through various Covid guidelines, mask wearing and café restrictions. We returned to riding on 22nd May 2021 just after our last AGM, following over 6 months of riding in twos or informal small groups towards the end of that time. We managed to put on 64 rides up to the end of 2021 with just one cancelled due to bad weather. In 2022 so far we have run 31 rides with just two cancelled due to rubbish winter weather.

Since returning to riding we have followed CUK guidance and limited our maximum to 15. We have most often had about 10 to 12 on a ride since May 21. Prior to lockdown we were often attracting numbers in the 20s, with this sometimes being a bit of a headache for the ride leader and problematic to find cafes that could cope. The consensus among ride leaders is to stick with the 15 limit for now as it is a very manageable number and in practice we have not had to refuse anyone yet. If demand does increase significantly we can reconsider this.In the last year we have 69 different individuals ride with us and about 45 of those have ridden regularly. A number of long-standing members stopped riding due to Covid and have chosen not to return. Peter also reflected on the sad loss of a regular and very popular member of our Club, Beth Lavelle in October. It was nice to see a very good turn out from the club at Beth’s funeral in November.

Since returning to riding we have regularly run our usual calendar of B rides with a monthly A ride and this formula seems to work and to be popular so we don’t propose to change anything. We successfully ran our annual Century ride on 25th Sept 21 when Ride Secretary, David, led 8 of us in another enjoyable circle through Cambourne and Sandy. This annual fixture is also planned to stay. In previous years we have offered shorter rides in the summer as an addition to the regular B rides. This is entirely dependent on having a ride leader who is keen to offer this, so if you are interested speak to Peter or David King.

We did have some successful Pedal To The Pub evening rides in 2021 and we hope to start those again as the weather improves. Previously the Club did offer an annual long weekend away trip and we will be looking at the feasibility of restarting that in late 2022 or 2023. We did manage a successful Christmas meal in 2021 thanks to Angela Henderson which we hope to repeat in 2022.

Lastly, Peter thanked our small dedicated band of ride leaders who make the club rides possible and to David for organising the ride calendar. After the loss of a number of regular ride leaders we have been gradually rebuilding the numbers. At one point Gary was leading every ride, so extra special thanks to him. We would welcome any new ride leaders.


Any Other Business

Richard Gibson asked if there was anyway the club could encourage and support people into regular riding who may not have the financial means to afford a good bicycle, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. There was general support for the proposal but no clear idea on how to do this. It was agreed that the committee would discuss the proposal and look for ways to implement it.

Pauline Smith raised the First Responder training course about what to do at accidents, which was mentioned in the Treasurer's Report. This had been arranged previously but had to be cancelled due the Covid pandemic. CUK have provided us money to fund this. There was unanimous support for the club to reorganise this event in 2022. Miles Goff had originally provided the contact details for the trainers. He kindly agreed to contact them and see if they could provide training or suggest anyone who could.

Peter Herron raised the format for next years AGM proposing that it should be held face to face again whether after a club ride as in previous years or on an evening possibly at a pub. There was unanimous support for holding it face to face and after some discussion the majority favoured holding it after a club ride at the weekend.
