Q&A: Where can I find a cycling cape?

Carradice Pro-route cape, £38
Carradice Pro-route cape, £38
Are you aware of any providers remaining these days for what I call cycling capes? I expect you will recall them – the universal (usually yellow) waterproof, loose upper body garment, which I used as a boy riding with CTC in 1943 and for 70 years afterwards. Recently, I bought one of these modern, rather heavyweight jackets, which I dislike.

Derek Watts

Traditional cycling capes, or ponchos, are still available for sale and remain the best choice for those cyclists wanting truly effective wet weather gear.

There are plenty to be found by searching online; if you prefer not to do this, take a look at examples by Vaude, Carradice and Brooks.

Richard Hallett

Cycle magazine technical editor