Caroline Pidgeon MBE

Caroline Pidgeon
Caroline Pidgeon MBE
Caroline Pidgeon is nominated as one of our 100 Women in Cycling 2019 for her inventive achievements, putting the bike at the heart of urban mobility.

Caroline Pidgeon is a Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member and Deputy Chair of the Transport Committee at City Hall with a true passion for transport.

Caroline was the first Mayoral candidate to endorse London Cycling Campaign’s Sign for Cycling campaign, with a commitment to increase the budget for cycling infrastructure to 3% of the TfL budget and ensure that money is spent (in 2014/15 £107m was allocated but only £60m spent).  She continues to campaign for better infrastructure, such as safer junctions for cyclists, and improving opportunities for many more people to cycle in the city.

What is 100 Women in Cycling?

Cycling UK’s 100 Women in Cycling is an annual list celebrating inspirational women who are encouraging others to cycle.